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Kylie Wyman 




December 2013       Bachelor of Arts in Visual Art Studies

                                    School of Architecture, Art & Historic Preservation

                                    Roger Williams University, Bristol, Rhode Island

                                    Minors in Psychology & Theater


International Education

2012                           Central College in Leiden, The Netherlands

                                        Drawing taught by Matthijs Aanmat Dutch Art&Architecture                                                             History taught by Steef Eman

2012                            Webster University in Leiden, The Netherlands

                                        Current Art taught by Machteld Aardse



Tau Sigma                    Delta Honors Society: Honor Society in Architecture and Related Arts Alpha Chi                      National College Honors Society


Awards, Honoraruiums, & Shows at Roger Williams University

2014                              Senior Academic Award for Excellence in Visual Arts

2014                              Solo Show: The Clown is in Session

                                 Solo Art Exhibition in RWU School of Architecture, Art,

                                               and Historic Preservation       

2014                              Honorarium for Visiting Artist Lecture Series

                                  Presentations to various visual art classes concerning solo show

                                                at the university  

2012                               Junior Academic Award for Excellence in Visual Arts

2012                               Best Student Prop Design of 2011-2012 Academic Year

2011                               Best Student Set Design of 2010-2011 Academic Year

2010                               Best Student Set Design of 2009-2010 Academic Year


Work Experience

2014-                             Sales Clerk for RISD (Rhode Island School of Design) Store 

2014-                             Blog Layout Designer for Sabrina Scolari Photography 

2014                              Performing Artist at RISD Museum's Design the Night: It's a                                                Circus!

2013-                             Artist Assistant for local Provdience Artist, Anne Tait

2013                              Director of The Good Body for the RWU Women's Center

2013                              Director of Drawing the Shades for Center for Student Development

2012                              Sales Associate of Crate & Barrel in Natick, MA

2011                              Set Constructor of Roger Williams University Theater Department

2009-2013                    Crew Member of Roger Williams University Entertainment Campus



Work Experience at Roger Williams Theatre Department

2013                             Stage Manager in Ashes to Ashes

2011                             Publicity Design in Doubt, Come You Back

2011                             Prop Design in Lucky Stiff, The Glass Menagerie

2011                             Set Design in Variety Show, Children of Eden


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